Monday, January 30, 2006

The Good, The Blog and The Ugly (version 1.1)

There are a lot of things going on in our lives right now. Amelia is cutting her 34th tooth. Sarah just had her laptop lifted. I am struggling to figure out where God wants me to go with my ministry. There are plenty of blood, sweat and tears flowing in the Burgess household. Amelia is fussy and tired of the evening pain. Sarah is sweating out all her hard work walking away. I am crying out for some kind of sign and the energy to eloquently follow it.

God is in the blood. God is in the sweat. God is in the tears. God is in the journey...dare we acknowledge with our lives what we profess in our faith? Has our life become the resitation of the Apostle's Creed: an acknowledgement of the Lord's presence in the midst of a sleepwalking thirty seconds?

God is in our howling nights. God is in our stolen laptops and in our stolen moments. God is in our frustrated tears wondering if we are making a difference, enough of a difference for our large sacrifices. God is there...May our creeds become our faith!


Blogger Mrs. Burgess said...

Amen and goodnight! Love you...

9:02 PM  

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