Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Pearls on 6th

Note: I am reading Psalm 42 this morning for quiet time.

There is something inside me wanting Scripture to resolve itself within the daily reading. I can handle the psalmist asking, “Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you disquieted within me?” as long as the answer quickly comes sometime in the next few verses. I want my quiet times to work like the run of the mill American sitcom. It should open with an everyday problem many families face, proceed through some token conflict and misunderstanding, and conclude with an acceptable resolution for all. It doesn’t hurt to have a puppy, a group hug and sentimental music. All of it is wrapped up in a short period of time and we’re free to go on with our lives assuming all is humming along in Mayberry.

What do we do when our problems are not easily solved in 20 minutes and God doesn’t give us the easy out? What do we do when the Scripture passage offers no reassurances things are going to be all right and work out in the end? What do we do when we’re stuck on Good Friday without any knowledge Easter Sunday is anywhere close?

What do we do with “Deep calls to deep?”

Even our praise music betrays the psalmist when we just sing the beginning of Psalm 42. “As the dear panteth for the water, so my soul longeth after you. You alone are my heart’s desire and I long to worship you.” Why don’t we sing about tears being our food both day and night? Why don’t we talk about feeling absent from God? It’s not in another Biblical book or another psalm. It’s the very next verse, but it doesn’t sound quite as nice as the lovely imagery of a fawn thirsting for a cool drink.

The psalmist concludes today’s reading with the introspective question, “Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my help and my God.” We look within to see what we are without. We look to the past to remind us God holds the future. We find our help when we hope in our God.

We might not be able to tie it together neatly in 20 minutes, but this is real life and not reality television. There is no denying we all have problems, big and small. However we worship and believe in a God who is bigger and better than our worries.

The Lord is my help and my God.